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Cellulite L-carnitine 5% for body

A sterile solution made with pure L-Carnitine which acts mainly as a transporter agent in the process of lipolysis. It is a significant active for draining the fluids retained on all types of cellulite in combined with green tea extract. With green tea Known as lipolytic agents, contains high levels of polyphenols and, has a diuretic action.

L-CARNITINE 5%: Plays an essential role in the transformation of fatty acids into metabolic energy. It is the only substance capable of introducing long-chain fatty acids through the inner mitochondrial membrane in the mitochondria where they are burned (beta-oxidation).

GREEN TEA 3%: Known as lipolytic agents, contains high levels of polyphenols and, has a diuretic action. Green tea extract as a significant active for draining the fluids retained


Transport fats in the lipolytic process.

All cellulite types

Blood and lymphatic circulation improvement

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